Union County Probate Cases, 1820-1851
(874 records)
(Updated: April 25, 2015)
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Probate Court Case File Index (1820-1851)
Probate courts existed in the Northwest Territory prior to Ohio’s statehood. They had authority in probate, testamentary, and guardianship cases, although the probate judge and two common pleas court judges issues all final judgments. In 1802, Ohio’s first constitution abolished separate probate courts and transferred their authority to the common pleas court. Separate probate courts reappeared in 1851, when Ohio drafted a new constitution. This gave the probate court the powers to grant marriage licenses and control land sales by appointed executors, administrators, and guardians. All functions that previously had belonged to the common pleas court along with the powers in probate, testamentary, and guardianship cases.
This index covers probate related cases that were filed and adjudged in the Union County Common Pleas Court from 1820 to 1851, including estates, guardianships and the probate of wills. These case files can currently be found at the Union County Probate Court.